This easy vegan cream cheese frosting recipe is made with only 4 ingredients! Simply combine your favorite dairy-free cream cheese, vegan butter, powdered sugar,...
Vegan peppermint brownies are a mint chocolate holiday dessert! These candy cane brownies are fudgy, moist, dense, and chewy. They're topped with a rich...
Vegan brown sugar cookies are perfectly soft, chewy, buttery, and sweet! They're deliciously flavored with dark brown sugar, molasses, vanilla, and cinnamon. The recipe...
Healthy buckeyes are vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, and flourless! They're made with only 7 ingredients including peanut butter, almond flour, maple syrup, and chocolate chips....
Vegan chocolate chip blondies are incredibly fudgy, moist, soft, and chewy! The easy recipe is dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free friendly, and made with one bowl....
Vegan chocolate crinkle cookies are a classic holiday cookie recipe! They're super soft, moist, and fudgy inside with a crispy, sugar-coated, crackly crust. Rolled...